Divorces and Paternity Actions (without Parenting Plan)
Document preparation for a divorce or paternity action. A paternity action is like a divorce but for separating parents who were never married. If you need to disestablish paternity use this price point/ payment feature as well.
Divorce and Paternity Actions (with Parenting Plan)
There are three types of Parenting Plans: Regular Parenting Plan, Long Distance/ Relocation Parenting Plan, and Safety Focused Parenting Plan.
Modifications to Existing Family Court Orders
Family Adoption
Document Preparation for a Stepparent, Grandparent, or other Family Adoption.
Answers ~ Motions for Contempt ~ Miscellaneous Forms as Quoted
Document preparation for family law answers such as Answers to Dissolution of Marriage; Answer to Supplemental Petitions; Answer to Complaint for Child Support; Motion for Contempt/ Enforcement.